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all the things that could go wrong

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list of goodness . . . .

when i look around, sometimes makes me wondering, what's yours, what's mine, how can it be? how can we be so different? and the other unanswered question keep coming. look up and see how great is Our Creator. (personal courtesy) then when i look up above, makes me realize and wondering, who am i, who am i, that the Creator of all, the One who give name to the stars, the One that can do anything, still love me anyway? still pouring down many favor and goodness for me? how can it be? how can i forget this fact? i should numbers all the goodness in me, free fresh air, free 24 hours a day, free sunrise, family, friends, true friends, home, love, faith, activities, school, work to do, gadget, trust to keep, eyes to see, ears to hear, .. .. .. ... ... .... ... ... ....   even a fact that i can smile everyday . . . it is always enough for me to just count it all, c o u n t     i t    a l l .. more than enough helping me...


8 maret 2014. ya. itu postingan terakhir di blog pertamaku ini. mengingat sekarang 28 feb 2017, means, 8 hari lagi tgl yg sama ama postingan terakhirku, 3 tahun yg lalu. yes. sejak bulan feb tahun 2014, seorang stephany (yg pastinya cantik banget ini, wuhaaa, kebiasaan muji diri sendiri 😃😃) resmi angkat koper dari rumahnya yg begitu indah dan nyaman lengkap dgn mamapapa yg amat baik dan makna "rumah" yg sebenarnya, dan memutuskan hijrah plus bertualang ke kota ibu alias ibu kota NKRI tercinta, Indonesia, Jakarta... "kuyakin sampai di sana, museum nasional 270217" entah karena malas,  capek, terlalu (sok) sibuk ato lagi nutup diri dan kehilangan motivasi nulis, hingga akhirnya laaaammmmmaaaa banget ga nyentuh blog ini.. meski penulis (ciee, iyalah, padahal kan ngetik, ga nulis juga, haha) sering banget dihinggapi keinginan keinginan kecil untuk nuangin berbagai hal spektakuler, luar biasa dan amat inpirational yg udah terjadi, terpikir, terekam, terama...

arsip #akutakmengerti

kadang bberapa pertanyaan butuh dimasukin ke arsip "aku tak mengerti".. , meski belum ada jawabannya,  sama sekali ga berarti klo jawaban itu ga benar-benar ada.. the answer is on the way.. help is on the way. keep up hope. .the best is coming!

we're family

ya..!... take a look at them.. something went wrong.. but this is it.. that's really  what i mean.. to show you that they could be a friend,.. a close friend i mean.. like a real family.. they complete each other.. they find something good in each other.. they believe that they could have a fun time together.. they are laughing.. they are sharing.. they are happy.. together.. even when they come from a different ways, no matter what people say and argue, they are still together, in the same line, on a perfect harmony.. they build their dreams.. they are surely make some plans.. not to hurt nor breaks promises., they are encourage instead. for a bright and wonderful future.. they are in love.. yeah.. theu are in love..! love makes allthings possible,, even when the doors are closed before... happy lovely day everyone.. look around and spread your amazing love !   -- posted with pepsi.keyefsi140214jkbr., while remebering everything...

something that matter

something that matter... yeah,, sometimes we are too concern about something that isn't really matter.. sometimes we don't really care about  the most important thing.. sometimes we do behave like we are always the perfect one without considering another point of view.. we are too self- orriented [sometimes].. we forget to love, to care and show our best version to others.. we dont have to serve them like we are the slave.. no. we are not.. it's not your money that make people smile.. they are smile because you smile first ..         just like a virus, your smile will find a new victim everyime you use it.. :)  it's not your car that make them feel comfort.. your kindness is.. it's not your beauty face or a blink in your ears that means a lot..  people see your heart, your sincere and straight heart.. you see? it's not about the material things that matter.. it's all about something inside of you.....

everything is beautiful . . .

. . .everything is beautiful. . .  kehidupan. semua orang, tanpa terkecuali, mau tidak mau, mengharapkannya atau menyesalinya, menghargainya atau merusaknya, mensyukurinya atau meratapinya, semuanya sedang menjalani yang satu ini. .k e h i d u p a n. ya! dari berbagai sudut pandang, kehidupan menyimpan segudang misteri yang tak terelakkan untuk setiap insan jalani. ibarat detik demi detik yang kita lalui, selambat atau secepat apapun itu, seperti itulah kehidupan yang akan senantiasa berjalan berirama dengan yang namanya waktu. tak peduli apapun situasi, kondisi, emosi, beban, musim, cuaca, bahkan bencana sekalipun, takkan menghalangi yang namanya kehidupan untuk terus berlanjut. tak satupun dapat menghentikannya atau bahkan memohonnya berhenti sejenak. tidak. kehidupan adalah anugerah terindah dari Sang Pencipta Semesta. sebuah paku takkan pernah tercipta jika Sang pembuat mengharapkannya berfungsi sebagai sendok. sebuah sendok pun takkan pernah ada jika S...